What is Keith Luuloa's middle name?

H. M.

What is Keith Luuloa's full name?

Keith H. M. Luuloa

Keith Luuloa date of birth:

December 24, 1974

How old is Keith Luuloa?


Where was Keith Luuloa born?

Honolulu, HI

How tall is Keith Luuloa?

6' (183 cm)

How much does Keith Luuloa weigh?

185 lbs (83.9 kg)

What is Keith Luuloa nationality?


Where did Keith Luuloa go to school?

Molokai (Molokai, HI)

What is Keith Luuloa's occupation?

Former Major League Baseball Player

Short Biography

Keith Luuloa (born December 24, 1974, in Honolulu, Hawaii) is a former professional baseball player who played one season for the Anaheim Angels of Major League Baseball. He played at Modesto Junior College in Modesto, California.