Krisztina Tóth date of birth:

May 29, 1974

How old is Krisztina Tóth?


Where was Krisztina Tóth born?

Miskolc, Hungary

How tall is Krisztina Tóth?

5' 5" (165 cm)

What is Krisztina Tóth nationality?


What is Krisztina Tóth's occupation?

Table Tennis Player

Short Biography

Krisztina Tóth (born 29 May 1974 in Miskolc, Hungary) is a female Hungarian table tennis player from Gödöllő (Hungary), who currently resides in Augsburg, Germany. She has won several medals in single, doubles, and team events in the Table Tennis European Championships, in the Table Tennis World Cup, and in the World Table Tennis Championships.