What is Lindsay Usich's full name?

Lindsay Usich

Lindsay Usich date of birth:

October 2, 1984

How old is Lindsay Usich?


Where was Lindsay Usich born?

Miami, FL, Usa

Lindsay Usich body shape:


What color is Lindsay Usich's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Lindsay Usich gay or straight?


What is Lindsay Usich's ethnicity?


What is Lindsay Usich nationality?


What is Lindsay Usich's occupation?

Photographer, Model, Commercial Actress

Lindsay Usich claim to fame:

Current girlfriend of Marilyn Manson

Short Biography

Lindsay Usich (b. October 2, 1984) is a Los Angeles-based American photographer and commercial fashion model known to be involved with Marilyn Manson. Usich was first seen with Manson at the Boudoir in West Hollywood on August 14, 2010. At the time, Manson had recently broken-up with his then fiancée, Evan Rachel Wood , leading to speculation Usich was Manson's new love interest.On August 15, 2010, an image by Ms. Usich appeared on Manson's myspace wall.pic by Lindsay. fire the fools.Lindsay and Manson have been seen together on many occasions, including Halloween in Las Vegas at The Bank (The Bellagio), Manson's art exhibit The Path of Misery in Mexico City, the November Hollywood screening of Tilda Swinton's movie, "We Need To Talk About Kevin" and at "The Abbey" in West Hollywood on Christmas night.Lindsay accompanied Marilyn Manson on tour and to many award ceremonies. She was referred to as Manson's girlfriend in the March 2012 issue of Revolver, which also mentioned a reference to a new painting by Manson featuring her. Usich is also credited as the photographer of several photos depicting Manson, including the cover and inside photos for the album, Born Villain, and the photos of Marilyn Manson on the banner backdrops displayed onstage during the Twins of Evil Tour, and the Masters of Madness Tour.In early 2015, Manson indicated the couple had separated in an interview with Beat Magazine, however in later months Usich was seen on tour and accompanying Manson once again.