What is Lobo (musician)'s full name?

Roland Kent LaVoie

Lobo (musician) nickname(s):

Roland Kent LaVoie, Roland LaVoie

Lobo (musician) date of birth:

July 31, 1943

How old is Lobo (musician)?


Where was Lobo (musician) born?

Tallahassee, Florida, USA

Lobo (musician) body shape:


What color is Lobo (musician)'s hair?

Brown - Dark

What is Lobo (musician)'s ethnicity?


What is Lobo (musician) nationality?


What is Lobo (musician)'s occupation?


Lobo (musician) claim to fame:

I'd Love You to Want Me

What genre is Lobo (musician)'s work?

Pop, country, folk, soft rock

What instruments does Lobo (musician) play?

Vocals, guitarist

Short Biography

Roland Kent LaVoie, better known by the stage name Lobo (born July 31, 1943), is an American singer-songwriter who was successful in the early 1970s, scoring several U.S. Top 10 hits, including "Me and You and a Dog Named Boo", "I'd Love You to Want Me" and "Don't Expect Me to Be Your Friend".