What is Marques Tuiasosopo's middle name?
What is Marques Tuiasosopo's full name?
Marques Tavita Tuiasosopo
Marques Tuiasosopo date of birth:
March 22, 1979
How old is Marques Tuiasosopo?
Where was Marques Tuiasosopo born?
Long Beach, California
How tall is Marques Tuiasosopo?
6' 1" (185 cm)
How much does Marques Tuiasosopo weigh?
220 lbs (99.8 kg)
What is Marques Tuiasosopo nationality?
Where did Marques Tuiasosopo go to university?
What is Marques Tuiasosopo's occupation?
Football (American)
Short Biography
Marques Tavita Tuiasosopo (born March 22, 1979) is an American football coach and former player. He played professionally as a quarterback in the National Football League (NFL) for eight seasons with the Oakland Raiders and New York Jets. Tuiasosopo was selected in the second round of the 2001 NFL Draft by the Raiders with the 59th overall pick. In 2013, he joined his alma mater, the University of Washington, serving as quarterbacks coach and as interim head coach in the 2013 Fight Hunger Bowl. Tuiasosopo is currently the tight ends and offensive associate head coach for the USC Trojans.