Ruthi Navon date of birth:

May 30, 1951

How old is Ruthi Navon?


Where was Ruthi Navon born?

Haifa, Israel

Ruthi Navon body shape:


What color are Ruthi Navon's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Ruthi Navon's hair?

Brown - Dark

Is Ruthi Navon gay or straight?


What religion is Ruthi Navon?


What is Ruthi Navon's ethnicity?


What is Ruthi Navon nationality?


What is Ruthi Navon's occupation?

Singer, actress

What genre is Ruthi Navon's work?

Jewish music, Pop, Folk

Short Biography

Ruthi Navon Zmora (born 1954) is an Israeli Jewish singer and actress. She first came to prominence in the 1970s with her role in the Broadway musical Don't Step on My Olive Branch and her self-titled debut album, which sold well in her home country. After becoming religious through Chabad, she began a new career in the 1980s as a religious Jewish singer, beginning with the album Lead Me to Your Way (1988), which was marked "For Women Only" in accordance with kol isha. She has toured throughout the United States, Europe, and South Africa.