What is Willis Bouchey's full name?

Willis Ben Bouchey

Willis Bouchey date of birth:

May 24, 1907

How old was Willis Bouchey when died?


Where was Willis Bouchey born?

Vernon, Michigan, USA

When did Willis Bouchey die?

August 26, 1977

Where did Willis Bouchey die?

Burbank, California, USA

Willis Bouchey body shape:


What color is Willis Bouchey's hair?


What is Willis Bouchey's ethnicity?


What is Willis Bouchey nationality?


What is Willis Bouchey's occupation?


Willis Bouchey claim to fame:

The Big Heat

Short Biography

Willis Ben Bouchey (May 24, 1907 – September 27, 1977) was an American character actor who appeared in almost 150 films and television shows. He was born in Vernon, Michigan, but reared by his mother and stepfather in Washington State.