What is George P. Putnam's middle name?
What is George P. Putnam's full name?
George Palmer Putnam
George P. Putnam date of birth:
September 7, 1887
How old was George P. Putnam when died?
Where was George P. Putnam born?
Rye, New York
When did George P. Putnam die?
January 4, 1950
What is George P. Putnam nationality?
What is George P. Putnam's occupation?
American publisher, author and explorer
George P. Putnam claim to fame:
Husband of Amelia Earhart
Who is George P. Putnam's father?
John Bishop Putnam
Short Biography
George Palmer Putnam (September 7, 1887 – January 4, 1950) was an American publisher, author and explorer. Known for his marriage to (and being the widower of) Amelia Earhart, he had also achieved fame as one of the most successful promoters in the United States during the 1930s.