What is Gerard W. Ford's middle name?
What is Gerard W. Ford's full name?
Gerard William Ford
Gerard W. Ford date of birth:
October 2, 1924
How old was Gerard W. Ford when died?
Where was Gerard W. Ford born?
New Orleans, Louisiana
When did Gerard W. Ford die?
August 24, 2008
Where did Gerard W. Ford die?
Morristown, New Jersey
Why did Gerard W. Ford die?
Complications From Endocarditis
Gerard W. Ford body shape:
What color is Gerard W. Ford's hair?
Is Gerard W. Ford gay or straight?
What is Gerard W. Ford's ethnicity?
What is Gerard W. Ford nationality?
What is Gerard W. Ford's occupation?
Gerard W. Ford claim to fame:
founded Ford Modeling Agency
Who is Gerard W. Ford's father?
John William
Who is Gerard W. Ford's mother?
Ermine Ford
Short Biography
Gerard William "Jerry" Ford (October 2, 1924 – August 24, 2008) was an American businessman who in 1946 founded Ford Modeling Agency with his wife Eileen Ford in their apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City.