What is Gino Bramieri's full name?

Luigi Bramieri

Gino Bramieri date of birth:

June 21, 1928

How old was Gino Bramieri when died?


Where was Gino Bramieri born?

Milan, Italy

When did Gino Bramieri die?

June 18, 1996

Where did Gino Bramieri die?

Milan, Italy

Gino Bramieri body shape:


What color are Gino Bramieri's eyes?

Brown - Dark

What color is Gino Bramieri's hair?


Is Gino Bramieri gay or straight?


What is Gino Bramieri's ethnicity?


What is Gino Bramieri nationality?


What is Gino Bramieri's occupation?

Actor, tv personality

Short Biography

Gino Bramieri (21 June 1928 – 18 June 1996) was an Italian comedian and actor. He was especially known as a television comedian, but also performed in theatres, on radio, and in about thirty movies. He was nicknamed "Il Re della barzelletta" ("the King of jokes") for his burlesque comic style, which was largely based on his skill at telling funny stories. His jokes were sometimes as quick as a cut and thrust, and bordering on surrealism. They have been collected in a series of books, such as 50 chili fa ("50 kilos ago", a collection he published after dieting).