What is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant's middle name?
Dent Cantacuzène
What is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant's full name?
Julia Dent Grant
Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant nickname(s):
Princess Cantacuzène, Countess Spiransky
Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant date of birth:
June 7, 1876
How old was Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant when died?
Where was Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant born?
Washington, D.C., United States
When did Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant die?
October 4, 1975
Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant body shape:
What color is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant's hair?
Brown - Light
Is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant gay or straight?
What religion is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant?
Anglican / Episcopalian
What is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant's ethnicity?
What is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant nationality?
What is Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant's occupation?
Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant claim to fame:
Ulysses Grant's Granddaughter
Julia Dent Cantacuzène Spiransky Grant family:
Princess Zenaida Mikhailovna (Daughter), Princess Bertha Mikhailovna (Daughter), Prince Michael Mikhailovich (Son)
Short Biography
Julia Dent Grant Cantacuzène Spiransky, Princess Cantacuzène, Countess Spiransky (6 June 1876 – 4 October 1975), was an American author and historian. She was the eldest child of Frederick Dent Grant and his wife Ida Marie Honoré, and the first grandchild of Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the United States. In 1899, she married Prince Mikhail Cantacuzène, a Russian general and diplomat.