Nolwenn Korbell date of birth:

February 3, 1968

How old is Nolwenn Korbell?


Where was Nolwenn Korbell born?

Quimper, France

Nolwenn Korbell body shape:


What color is Nolwenn Korbell's hair?

Brown - Light

Is Nolwenn Korbell gay or straight?


What is Nolwenn Korbell's ethnicity?


What is Nolwenn Korbell nationality?


What is Nolwenn Korbell's occupation?

Singer-songwriter, actress

What genre is Nolwenn Korbell's work?

Breton singing

What instruments does Nolwenn Korbell play?

Vocals, Guitar

Short Biography

Nolwenn Korbell (born 3 February 1968 in Quimper, Finistère), is a French Breton singer-songwriter and actress. Best known for her songs in Breton, with her musicians or in a duet with guitarist Soïg Sibéril, she released four albums, regularly performs in concerts, and also keeps acting in plays and films.