What is Bella Muni's full name?

Bella Finkel

Bella Muni date of birth:

February 8, 1898

How old was Bella Muni when died?


Where was Bella Muni born?


When did Bella Muni die?

October 1, 1971

Where did Bella Muni die?

Beverly Hills, California

Bella Muni body shape:


Is Bella Muni gay or straight?


What is Bella Muni's ethnicity?


What is Bella Muni's occupation?


Who is Bella Muni's father?

Maurice Finkel

Short Biography

Bella Finkel (February 8, 1898 - October 1, 1971)Daughter of Maurice Finkel, co-leader of an acting company, sister of Broadway director Abe Finkel and niece of Jewish Stage founders Boris and Bessie Thomaschefsky. In 1903, Bella's mother left her father for a younger man. Bella's father shot his wife and the man then turned the gun on himself, committing suicide. Emma, his wife was left paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life.