Theodore Watts Dunton date of birth:

October 12, 1832

How old was Theodore Watts Dunton when died?


Where was Theodore Watts Dunton born?

Cambridgeshire, England

When did Theodore Watts Dunton die?

June 6, 1914

Where did Theodore Watts Dunton die?

London, England

Why did Theodore Watts Dunton die?

Natural Causes

Is Theodore Watts Dunton gay or straight?


What is Theodore Watts Dunton's ethnicity?


What is Theodore Watts Dunton nationality?


What is Theodore Watts Dunton's occupation?


Short Biography

Theodore Watts-Dunton (12 October 1832 – 6 June 1914) was an English critic and poet. He is often remembered as the friend and minder of Algernon Charles Swinburne, whom he rescued from alcoholism.